Friday, July 28, 2006
PS3 QA leaked to the net
As most of you know, there has been a leak of a Q&A between Sony and some other company. To me, this looks more like a marketing ploy then of some higher up in Sony coming forth with this information. My version was received by Coola on 7/10/2006, and the full version can be found here:
Q1. Why will you launch two models with different specs for PS3 ?
My Answer: Yes. Because it's a marketing ploy for those to see only a $100 difference think to themselves, why not buy the more expensive one. and for that $100 what do you get? a Flash card reader, WI-FI, HDMI, and a new 'Silver Logo'.. and those upgrades require $100? No. The $100 is a little more profiet for Sony to re-coup some of the losses they have suffered though the R&D of the PS3.
Q2. How can users connect PS3 to TV without HDMI output ?
My Answer: You plug in the non-HDMI wires dumbass. Yes the graphics are comparable... EVERYTHING is comparable.. my cat is comparable to my dog. The ugly chick in school is comparable to the beauty queen. etc.
Q3. Do you have two color variations of black and silver for two different models ?
My Answer: Yes we will release more colors... in Japan only just like we did for the PS2. Silly Americans.
Q4. What is the initial launch quantity for PS3 ?
My Answer: 2 million? 2 million.. Yeah, 2 million sounds good. But don't take my work for it. the lastest leak showed that only like 100,000 boards where going to be ready by November. I'm sorry we told you that we where going to release the PS3 in all regions at once. We told a little white lie there.
Q6. What is the breakdown of the production shipment figures for each model ?
My Answer: First come, first served. When we get new ones we might ship them out. Then again, we might just blame a chip shortage and make more people drool over the hardware. That will make them want it more!
Q7. Are you planning to launch another model which has different HDD or interface in the future ?
My Answer: Well, since we are marketing the PS3 as a computer and not a game system. Why? well that's because a $600 computer is cheap! When you think of a $600 game machine, it seems expensive. I thought our marketing team was pretty cleaver there with that one. Anyway, we might push another model, but I doupt it. What would be the point? You like the PS3. you want the PS3.. there is no point in us changing anything.
Q10. MS's Xbox360 was launched a year ago and has a head start. How do you feel about it ?
My Answer: We hate the Xbox 360.. I can't believe how many ideas of ours they stole. Like the Wireless contoller with the built in 'gem' button to turn the console on and off. I just can't believe that. As for the lateness of the machine itself. Well you know how people get. We wanted to release it 6 months ago.. But since the Cell Chips don't work as advertised, and we couldn't make a choice on the copy protection for our new blu-ray disks, and there has been some hardware problems with the blu-ray readers.. we wanted to make sure that the PS3 would at least run for a few hours after you have taken it out of the box before we shipped it.
Q11. How is the PS3 network service going to be ? Will you also start the service from day one ? What are the differences between Xbox Live and PS3 network services ?
My Answer: Well please don't tell Microsoft that we ripped them off. We are going to offer the normal, like game updates and add-ons that you can buy, and music downloads.. and we're really not sure about what else we are going to do with it. But we think LIVE is pretty cool, and our numbers say that just about every 360 machine bought uses LIVE.. so there must be a market in there somewhere.
Q12. Will the network service be charged ?
My Answer: Well we plan to do the same thing as Xbox LIVE..only ours will be neat-o
Q13. Are the specifications and design final ?
My Answer: Well we seem to be pretty close to the final design specs. We've even shipped out quite a few development machines. I'm so proud of our company. Though I must say, that close to final, and final are two different things. We wanted to make sure if we changed anything again, that we won't get into too much trouble.
Q14. Why did you set such a price for 20GB HDD model ?
My Answer: Well we wanted to see how much we could get out of our fan boys.
Q16. You have announced in April that more than 100 billion yen of operating loss will be caused from Game segment in FY06. Will the PS3 price have any impact on the forecast ? Was the introduction of two models factored in at the earnings announcement in April ?
My answer: We are scared of the forecast, but we dont' believe it. We are Sony. We rule the home gaming industry.
Q17. Won't having two models increase cost ? Can you expect the economy of scale with two models ?
My answer: well we do have two different models, but we are going to push people to buy the more expensive one. the cheap one is for the people that really want the PS3, but can't afford that extra $100. It's ok though, since the PS3 is a computer, they will be able to buy all the features of the other model though expansions. But we'll charge out the nose for them and make even more money!
Q18. When do you expect to start making profit with PS3 business ? It has been reported by Nikkei (dated May 1st) that the "PS3 business will make profit of over 100 billion yen in FY07." Is it true ?
My Answer: We don't know when we will start making a profit. We've spent millions on R&D for the PS3. Changed so many specs about the system, removed so many features. But it'll be soon.. Again, we are Sony. You will buy.
Q19. Are there any additional or modified features from E3 last year ?
My answer: Yes, but I'm not going to tell you. Just look at the sheet.
Q20. You had previously announced that there would be two HDMI ports, but why does the PS3 with the 20GB HDD not have a HDMI port ? Can Blu-ray content be enjoyed in high quality graphics without HDMI ?
My answer: Yes. But it won't be true HD.
Q21. There were 2 HDMI ports in your original announcement, but why does the 60GB PS3 have only 1 HDMI port ?
My Answer: because it's cheaper.. Duh.Q22. Can you enjoy progressive images with PS and PS2 titles ?My Answer: yes, but since the PS2 texture engine sucks monkey balls, the conversion will make them look like PS1 games!
Q23. Can you enjoy full HD PS3 software content with a standard TV ?
My answer: Duh? No. HD is just that. HD. Standard TV is just that.. Standard.
Q24. Is 60GB HDD large enough for PS3 ?My answer: Well it's bigger then the 360, so yes.Q25. Why isn't 20GB PS3 equipped with Memory Stick/SD Memory card/Compact Flash slots ?
My answer: becuase we want people to pay for the over priced expansions.. come on!! You should knowall of this by now.
Q26. The 20GB PS3 does not come with Wi-Fi 802.11, but does this mean that it cannot be connected to PSP ?
My answer: Expansions.. Really, Expansions are Evil, but that's how we make money from the hardware!
Q27. Why did you reduce the number of USB ports from 6 to 4 ?
My answer: *sigh* why do I need to repeat myself? Because 4 ports are cheaper then 6. and we can force youmonkeys to buy expansions!
Q28. Why did you reduce the number of Ethernet ports from 3 to 1 ?
My answer: Because we thought it would be really cool to have the PS3 also acting as a router. But since we pulledthe router, there was no reason to keep the other 2 ports. Besides, 1 is cheaper then 3.
Q29. Will Linux OS be adopted as you have planned ?
My answer: We LOVE linux because we have our finger on the pulse of youth, and everyone loves to hate Microsoft.I just wish we made as much money as they do. *tear*
Q30. How much noise reduction level have you achieved ?
My answer. Well now its about as quite as the slim line PS2. but WOW you should have heard it before. like an F16 taking off in your living room, it was cool.
Q31. You mention that PS3 adopts a breakthrough six-axis sensing system that lets you control intuitively as if the controller has become part of your body. How does this work ?
My Answer: Well it's really not a break though, since the developers only had about a week to pull it off. We where like 'shit, we got sued, and we are NOT going to pay roylties to people that sued us.. I mean really.. we are Sony! I really wish I could talk more about the controller, but we're afriad that Nintendo will sue us before we get the controller to market.
Q32. Why did you change the design of the controller to that of PS and PS2 ?
My Answer: Well all the feedback from our lawyers told us to build a new one and we liked all the people from E3 running to Nintendo's booth to check out the Wii, so we thought what the hell.
Q33. Can the new features be enjoyed with all PS3 titles ?
My answer: Once the developers have had time to play with the controller, we're sure they will add in the functionality.just don't expect many 1st gen games to support it.
Q34. You say that PS3 provides backward compatibility of PS and PS2 titles, but would you insist that you offer complete backward compatibility even if vibration feature does not work ?My answer: Well we know we screwed some people from there favorite games that rely on the vibration to help you figure out where hidden items are. But we didn't have enough time to figure out how to add the the tilt-senseing AND vibration.. Jeese.. I would suspect that well have those controllers out about 6-8 months after the PS3 release.
Q35. The controllers shown at the booth are all wired, but will the actual product be wireless ?My Answer: O.o What a stupid question. You act like you've never been to E3 before. If we put out wireless controllers those little monkeys would be stealing them right and left! So, of course, they are wired. But hey! the PS3 will support 4 contollers just like the 360!
Q36. Will PSP be used as a remote controller ?
My answer: Damn! that's a good idea!!! Ok, I'll just say that we'll think about it so you don't sue us after we steal the idea..
Q37. We hear rumors from software developers that there are not enough development tools being shipped. Is this true ?
My Answer: As you can see with all the crap on the E3 Floor, yeah, there isn't enough dev boxs to go around. I guess the development PS3 titles really is duty in progress.. *he he* I said Duty.. *he he he* Duty..
Q38. How much is the estimated price range of the software titles for PS3 ? Is it the same price as PS2 ?
My answer: The short answer will be about $70-80 for a normal title, and close to $100 for the next Final Fantasy.We arn't worried about it. We are Sony, and you love Final Fantasy. You'll pay for it..
Q39. Are all titles shown at E3 (press conference and booth) launch titles ?
My Answer: Not really, most of the titles are being run on PC hardware and are just demos of what the PS3 might look and play like.but I'm sure some of them will be lauch titles.
Q40. Do all titles shown at E3 support 1080p ?
My Answer: No. We wanted to make sure the PS3 supported 1080p, because that's a selling point. Look ma!! This system supports 1080p.. *drool* but really we don't care if no publisher supports it.
Q41. How many launch titles do you expect to have ?
My Answer: We will have the best line-up in History.. well Sony's history. I mean, if you think about it, any game for the PS3 should be better then any game for the PSP, PS2 and the PS1 right? so it would be the best line-up in history.. our history.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
PlayStation 3 first batch of production..
PlayStation 3 first batch of production..
[PlayStation 3 is in production]- Hereford,UKA report in a Chinese-language newspaper - cited by Digitimes - suggests that Sony's PlayStation 3 games console has completed its first batch of production at ...[More at source]
=============================================WTF?! It's the middle of of July.. 4 months of production is going to allow Sony to make all the units promised to us back in the first of the year? It an't going to happen.. *Sigh* Why does ony want to lie to their fans? And what does this mean for the rumors that have been floating around out of Japan about bugs and delays in the Blu-ray hardware?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Kutaragi Obsessed with Tech, Internal Sony Strife & PS3 Seen As "Risk"
Kutaragi Obsessed with Tech, Internal Sony Strife & PS3 Seen As "Risk" - Gawker
"Kutaragi Obsessed with Tech, Internal Sony Strife & PS3 Seen As 'Risk'Late last week, I had a conversation with an insider here in Japan. The insider has worked in the gaming industry for many years. He recounted an off-the-record conversation that he recently had with Sony Computer Entertainment management.Some of it is obvious and some is surprising, but here is what the insider had to say:Kutaragi is interested only in consoles and technology. He does not care about the market. Some SCE officers disagree with his approach, feeling that the company should be more market sensitive. Kutaragi does not care. Nintendo has shown that it isn't only about powerful technology and graphics, but the PS3 isn't geared for that market at all and is intended for a very specific customer.Within Sony, the different divisions have discordant views on what the PlayStation 3 actually is. Some divisions view the machine as a game machine, while other divisions view it as a home electronic device (like a TV or a video player). Some SCE officers are worried about hitting the console's target consumer.As a game machine, it's very expensive for many players and not exactly something parents would buy for their children. As an electronic device, the inclusion of a game player could be off-turn for those only interested in electronics and Blu-ray. There's concern within Sony that both groups could be alienated.It's not possible for most developers to calculate the cost of making PS3 games. And it doesn't help that even last month, Sony kept delaying development tools. Many small and medium-sized developers are not making PS3 games, because costs are astronomical. Instead, they are switching to the Wii, the DS and the Xbox 360. Everyone sees developing for the PlayStation 3 as a risk. Take this for what it's worth. It came from a reputable source. Brian Ashcraft"
===========================================Just more and more news comes out about the PS3. Voices the things I've seen in the market. Notice that damn near the only publisher making games is EA? You know, the ones with money. Personally I still can't believe there are still fan b's and g's. After all this crap that's been happening there are still people out there saying the PS3 will rule.. even though the truth is smaking them in the face. Don't believe me? Take a gander though at some point..