PlayStation 3 short shows HD capability -
The short one minute film created by sony for the launch of the playstation 3 is dubbed Hight Definition and it illustrated the HD function of the PS3. ...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
PlayStation 3 short shows HD capability
Pompolic : Call for Heroes - Dev Diary No. 3
Pompolic : Call for Heroes - Dev Diary No. 3
GameZone -
Quixotic Software has released a new developers diary for their upcoming MMORPG, Pompolic: Call for Heroes. This is the third developer ...
Rumor Mill: Best Buy PS3 allocation to be cut?
Rumor Mill: Best Buy PS3 allocation to be cut?
TG Daily Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:58 AM PST is reporting that Best Buy's PlayStation 3 allocation may be cut in half. An anonymous Best Buy employee told the website that the store will get getting approximately half of the units promised by Sony. Neowin also says the store will be counting on the Wii and other consoles to get it through the holiday season.
Role-playing thrives in PS2's final days
Role-playing thrives in PS2's final days
AP via Yahoo! News Wed, 08 Nov 2006 8:39 AM PST
It's been a good ride for the PlayStation 2. It has dominated the video-game industry so far this century, enjoying a healthy 60 percent market share. Much of the PS2's success can be attributed to its remarkably diverse software lineup — including its overwhelming supremacy of the role-playing genre.
Playstation network to use single ID for all PS3 titles
Playstation network to use single ID for all PS3 titles
Speaking to today, the
Playstation 3 US commercial #3 - Eggs
Playstation 3 US commercial #3 - Eggs -
Those who have seen the first two Playstation 3 commercials know that Sony's taking a more "out of the box" approach when it comes to their television ...
Namco's PlayStation 3 launch titles are golden
Namco's PlayStation 3 launch titles are golden
Gaming Age Online -
... titles, Ridge Racer 7 and Mobile Suit Gundam: CROSSFIRE have both gone gold and will ship simultaneously with the launch of the PLAYSTATION 3 computer ...
GTA Trilogy in Time for Holidays
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Tuesday November 7, 2006 7:50 PM EST | |
Publisher Take-Two announced today that it would be releasing a Grand Theft Auto tri-pack for the holidays at the price of $39.99. |
Guitar Hero – Behind the Music
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Wednesday November 8, 2006 3:42 PM EST | |
How did Harmonix Music Systems manage to appeal to the mass market? In |
First Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) Titles Shipped And Released
First Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) Titles Shipped And Released
Tony Hawk's Project 8 and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for the Sony PlayStation 3 have been received early by numerous retailers around the country including GameStop and EB Games. The two titles are also now available for sale.
`Guitar Hero II' a rocking sequel
`Guitar Hero II' a rocking sequel
AP via Yahoo! News Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:30 AM PST
A rocking sequel to last year's sleeper hit, "Guitar Hero II" brings more of what made the original music video game so great, then cranks up the volume as loud as it goes
Sony firm on U.S. pricing for PlayStation 3
Sony firm on U.S. pricing for PlayStation 3
MSNBC Wed, 08 Nov 2006 2:52 PM PST
Sony Corp. has no plans to cut the price of its upcoming PlayStation 3 video game console in the
Tell us something we didn’t already know..
Armored Core 4 Playstation 3 Details And New Screenshots
Armored Core 4 Playstation 3 Details And New Screenshots
GameInfoWire Wed, 08 Nov 2006 3:28 PM PST
Armored Core 4 is scheduled for release on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 system in spring 2007.
Nolan Bushnell Disappointed with PS3
Nolan Bushnell Disappointed with PS3
Slashdot Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:27 PM PST
An anonymous reader writes "Atari founder Nolan Bushnell points out that PS and PS2 got lucky with their release, 'It wasn't anything brilliant that they did. With the PS and PS2 it was timing. They had the right pricing at the right time [and were] almost the accidental winner.' But he seeing things this time around different 'It would not surprise me if a year from now they'll be struggling to