Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sony Confesses To "Being Too Clever"


No seriously. Too clever. That's how they put it. Sure, I think they meant it in a slightly self-deprecating way ... but nothing could be deprecating enough here. I mean - the site was clearly done by either Sony or an idiot since it was mostly written in bad IM chatterspeak like "u kno - dis is kool lol".
Or perhaps the correct answer is "both". I mean, more than insidious, the whole thing was just dumb. Clearly the byproduct of too many people in a room reading about "social online networking" and "search enhancement optimization" without having a real clue.
Sony has some moments of advertising genius ... but apparently is simply not comparing notes with the PlayStation departments. Sad - and bad timing since they don't have enough product clout right now to subside it. They really need good PR and tech these days.
tagged: game, gaming

Source: Sony Confesses To "Being Too Clever"
Originally published on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 23:30:58 GMT by Josh

Reeves dismisses talk of PS3 delay


Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss David Reeves has told GI.bizthat suggestions the European launch of PS3 will be delayed once again are nothing more than 'speculation without foundation'.

Source: Reeves dismisses talk of PS3 delay
Originally published on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 15:33:00 GMT

Dragon Quest 9 (Play Station 3 version)


Author: macaku1980
Keywords: dragon quest dq9
Added: December 12, 2006

Source: Dragon Quest 9 (Play Station 3 version)
Originally published on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 13:30:55 GMT by (macaku1980)

Fake blog admits it was "too funky fresh"

It looks like the now-infamous Sony blog, "all I want for Christmas is a psp," is going to keep it real. Shockingly, the blog writer "isn't a real hip-hop maven." The apology states that the blog will now be used to give "nothing but the facts" on the PSP, but we're sorry, Sony. No way you're going to compete with us!

Source: Fake blog admits it was "too funky fresh"
Originally published on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 15:20:00 GMT by Andrew Yoon

Wow...  Gotta love Sony marketing.

NPD Reports November PS3 Sales of 197K


I was hoping that the early reports were wrong and PS3 shipments were close to Sony’s target of 400K. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that happened. NPD reports 197K PS3 sales in North America for the month of November. NPD System Sales Data for the Month of November in North America System Name NPD Units Sold. PS3 197,000 PSP 412,000 Wii 476,000 Xbox 360 511,000 GBA 641,000 PS2 664,000 DS 918,000 It is [...]

Source: NPD Reports November PS3 Sales of 197K
Originally published on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 15:50:12 GMT by Darrin

Sony plays the pretend game

Sony plays the pretend game
from Game Addicts by Edwin
Looks like Sony has shot itself in the foot again, if this thread in the Something Awful forums is anything to go by. There seems to be a deluge of Sony PSP fansites appearing all over the Internet overnight just like mushrooms, and it seems as though demand for this portable handheld gaming system has skyrocketed to an unprecedented high. All I want For Xmas is a PSP is yet another of such fansites, but upon further investigation, there is more than meets the eye.

Despite giving the illusion that this fansite was started by a couple of “kids”, there are a couple of disturbing clues which make their credibility dip to an all time low. One of them raps atrociously while looking way too mature to be a pimply-faced teen, all in an effort to persuade their parents to pick up a PSP for them this Christmas. Heck, if I were the parent, I wouldn’t want to pick up a handheld that causes my kid to act in such a weird manner! In addition, the site uses only lower case letters, uses the number “2″ in favor of the written word, publishes fake user-generated comments in an effort to bolster its credibility, while posting homemade rap videos that are truly the domain of those who can stomach bad music.
All the above isn’t really a crime, but what stinks is the registered domain is owned by a marketing company known as Zipatoni, and judging by Sony’s past actions, it isn’t beneath them to test the stupidity of their target market with carelessly strung advertisement campaigns.