Monday, January 15, 2007

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Upgrade?


Tekken5logo Ever since Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection suddenly appeared on the Japanese PlayStation Store late last year, everyone's been wondering when the hell the downloadable title will hit North America. While Namco's still refusing to provide any details whatsoever, the last few minutes of the most recent 1up Yours podcast suggest this delay may be attributed to the addition of several new features and modes.

Ninjas have told me that it is coming here, not right away, but it'll be worth the wait because they're adding new features, new modes that'll make it worth your while.

Unfortunately, not only does this tidbit fail to answer the question of "when?", it also introduces new questions such as "what?" and "how much?". Going by the bare bones Japanese release, logical additions range from the suspiciously absent Practice Mode to traditional Tekken mini-games like Tekken Bowl, maybe even some type of functionality with the PSP version, but would this drive the price of the game up? What about those who already purchased the Japanese version, will these additions be patched in? And what's going on with the rest of Namco's PlayStation Store offerings -- Japan's had the PSone version of Mr. Driller for weeks now!

1up Yours - 01/12/2007 1h:28m:20s [1up]


Source: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Upgrade?
Originally published on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 21:46:57 GMT

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